School of dragons forum mafia
School of dragons forum mafia

school of dragons forum mafia

During this time all the players try to decide who the bad guys are by voting for them. There's a day phase that happens from dawn ‘til dusk in game. The game is played in turns that consist of two different phases. I stand on the shoulders of giants, and can only hope my own work helps the community flourish.

school of dragons forum mafia

We will immediately eventually spring lurch into action to sort it out.Īlso, I'd like to thank all the previous caretakers of Werewolf Central: Lucky, Shadow, Happyturtle, Thufir, Lex-Kat, and Durzan. If there’s something useful you think is missing, mention it. Everything from start dates to active games, rules (and optional rules) to games archives can be found here along with tools designed to make your game run smoother. Maybe not in this post, but somewhere on this first page. Whatever you're looking for in regards to werewolf games should be found on this page. It can also be used to develop ideas and gather interest for your own version of the game. This is where you come to place a claim on running your own Werewolves or Werewolves variant game. This thread was designed by Lucky originally for the purposes of coordinating and maintaining all the werewolf games and variants.

School of dragons forum mafia